How Pearson Online Classroom Works: the Connections Academy Learning Experience
by Valerie Kirk
byConnections Academy
3 min to readWhether it’s a safety concern, health concern, or trouble meeting their learning needs, there are many reasons it can be a good idea to switch your child to another school. But can you switch schools in the middle of the year?
In most circumstances, yes! Students can transfer to another school at any time during the school year, but the switch can be a big change for kids. It is important to understand the reasons your family may make this decision to determine if making a switch is the right fit.
If your child’s needs aren’t being met in school--academically, socially, or emotionally--your first action can be to work with the school to adjust your learner’s experience. Unfortunately, some schools may not offer the wide range of classes, extracurriculars, or peer groups needed to help your child grow.
If that’s the case, the school may not be a good fit. By transferring schools mid-year and trying a new learning environment, you’re offering your student a chance to develop and reach goals you may not have thought were previously possible.
Changing their learning environment could go a long way toward providing the type of motivation and fresh start needed to get back to enjoying and looking forward to learning. A change of setting can bring a new perspective that fosters the independence and focus needed to move on to college or career success.
Your child’s physical safety and mental well-being is critical and can affect academic performance. If your child is being bullied, your first sign that something is wrong could be seeing lower grades on your child’s report card, or something worse. You might also notice a significant change in your student’s attitude about school.
Many warning signs of bullying could signal this is happening to your child. By changing schools mid-year, you can give your child the peace of mind to concentrate on their education, instead of conflicts with peers. A new school can also open new opportunities for healthy friendships and emotional development in a safe, virtual learning environment.
Many aspiring athletes, musicians, and actors are also talented students, and their potential to achieve success may be hampered by the restrictions of being at a desk in a classroom all day.
Students who have complex medical conditions or illnesses that require scheduling flexibility may also find switching schools mid-year beneficial. Virtual learning with Pearson Connections Academy makes it possible to complete schoolwork, even with an inconsistent schedule. If your student has health concerns, they can attend medical appointments and either bring schoolwork along or complete it later at home if they attend a virtual school instead of a traditional brick-and-mortar one.
Have you wanted to be more hands-on and involved with your child’s education? Would you like to have more transparency about what your child is learning, make sure the concepts are really sinking in, and know whether your student is progressing?
While schools typically allow parents to volunteer on field trips, arrange class parties, or read to younger students, parents might want to participate more in the academic area of their child’s education.
If your family needs to move mid-year, then of course you’ll need to switch schools. Military families often find themselves needing to move on short notice, which impacts many students. That’s where online school can help. A virtual school can give students a safe, consistent learning experience that can go wherever the relocation takes them.
Connections Academy® can meet the varying needs of your family, whether you require a more flexible schedule, adaptable education opportunities, or the ability to learn from anywhere. Depending on why you’re considering switching schools mid-year, virtual learning may be right for your family.
If you’re interested in learning more about Connections Academy® and the amazing K–12 teachers in schools across the country, find a school near you.
Whether or not it is a bad idea to change schools in the middle of the year is something that can only be determined by your family and your student. Some students find the sudden change too disruptive while others thrive in the new change of learning environment.
Some instances where changing schools mid-year may not benefit your student include:
Changing Schools in the Middle of the Semester. Especially if students are in middle or high school, transferring in the middle of the semester may leave students feeling unprepared when they join their new class. If the transfer happens earlier in the semester, the impact may be less, but if the semester is almost done, it may be more beneficial to make the change to a new school between semesters instead.
You or Your Student is Burned Out. Burnout can have a lot of impacts on your child’s academic progress that transferring schools may not be able to fix right away. Before making the call, work with your student and their teacher first to see if there is anything that can be done at the current school before deciding that switching schools would be beneficial.
The New School Does Not Meet the Family’s Needs. A new school comes with new routines and requirements, especially if the student is planning on transferring to an online school. If your family cannot reasonably support your student’s new learning environment or learning schedule, it may not be a good idea to switch schools.
If you decide switching to an online school mid-year is the right decision for your family, Connections Academy can make the process simple. Use our handy school locator tool to find an online public or private school near you or download our free eGuide to learn more about how online school can help your student succeed.
Every school is unique. Find out more about your state’s tuition-free Connections Academy supported school.